This website is designed to gather all relevant information and resources related to online course and 程序 development ranging from faculty training, 开发在线课程/项目, 课程审批程序, 和WSCUC标准.
的 Provost’s Office will support each department in holding a faculty retreat to assess the pedagogical appropriateness of face-to-face, 混合动力, 以及系里课程的在线模式. 的 academic department has an opportunity to reflect on which courses (and 程序s) are most effectively offered face-to-face, 混合动力, 或在线. 的 department will complete a course mode matrix in which each course is assessed for appropriate modalities. For those courses in which 混合动力 and/或在线 are determined to be appropriate modalities, the department will 不e whether curriculum approval for those modes has been obtained, 或计划通过课程提交审批. 的 department will also record which faculty have successfully completed previous training and developed online courses --and then plan for future development of identified courses. 虽然OCDP不是为混合课程设计的, 大学也可以探索其他方式来支持混合课程的发展.
教师 from participating departments will attend one of the in-person information sessions offered this Spring 2023. 这些会议将从上午9点至下午12点以虚拟方式举行. 您的副院长可以为您的部门教师提供缩放链接.
- 2月17日
- 3月17日
- 4月14日
- 评估适合课程的课程模式(CETL)
- 在线项目开发机会(PaGE)
- 混合/在线课程(UGS)的课程审批流程和时间表
- Using tools and data to assess equity data in course outcomes (IE, College equity coordinators)
本次信息发布会结束后, departments will choose one of several Fridays during the semester to schedule department retreats to discuss and complete the course mode matrix.
Curriculog 是否有一个提交、审查和批准课程建议的系统. 它是 不 课程或程序开发工具. 课程不是一个从头开始建立新课程或项目的好地方, especially when significant input is sought from other members of the department or campus community. 在课程中开始提案之前, 下列项目应已完成或接近完成:
- 相关课程建议(修改或新增)
- 课程的映射
- 评估矩阵
- 路线图(本科2年或4年,研究生1年或2年)
- 部门级别的讨论和非正式磋商.
请浏览 本科阶段的学习 page on Resources for Graduate and Undergraduate Curriculum for information on the curriculum calendar, 审批流程, 和时间.
Note: CETL offers self-paced online workshops for departments on creating measurable student learning outcomes. 请 接触CETL 如果您希望利用此支持.
的 在线课程开发计划 (OCDP) supports the development of fully online, Quality Matters peer-reviewed courses. 创建一个完全在线的课程是一个复杂而耗时的项目, 但它可以为一个学术部门和学生带来很多好处. 决定项目中的哪些课程应该在线教授, 混合动力, 或面对面(F2F)需要考虑和计划. 请 refer to the Center for Effective Teaching and Learning (CETL) Planning Worksheet for variables that can affect the decision to offer a course (or 程序) online.
College Deans shall nominate courses that have an approved course modification to the 程序. 院长还应指定与所设计课程有关的教员, 如果需要团队合作,还可以包括辅助设计师.
的 University is offering three flexible options instructors can choose from; however, 应该咨询学院支持哪一种选择. 院长应要求其教员从以下选项中选择一种:
- 选择一:CETL在线课程开发计划+质量管理预备复习
- Option 2: Quality Matters Improving Your Online Course (IYOC) workshop + QM Preparatory Review
- 选择3:直接进行质素事宜预备检讨
For more information about the Online Course Development 程序, please visit CETL’s 在线课程开发计划 详情请参阅网页.
OCDP的所有选项都要求所设计的课程通过质量管理预备审查. Once the full course has been built in Canvas, the course is submitted for QM preparatory review. A QM-trained master peer reviewer who is a subject matter expert in the course or discipline will review your course, 应用质量管理标准, and provide feedback and recommendations on how well the course meets QM rubric standards. 如果课程最初没有通过质量管理预备审查, the instructor may make modifications based on reviewer feedback to meet QM standards. 请参阅 质量管理准备审查时间表 了解更多信息.
将会授课的教员, 但不是设计, 应鼓励在线课程参与英语教学 技术教学途径的一部分。 T.E.A.C.H项目.
从开发在线课程到获得批准, 整个过程大约需要14周. 的 质量管理准备评审时间表 说明了步骤.
As Departments begin to consider a long-term transition to or an introduction to distance education, WSCUC提供了以下摘要. WSCUC, 基于新的联邦远程教育指导方针, 需要批准所有课程,其中50%或更多的必修课程 approved f或在线 modality, regardless of when or if online courses are offered. 只要它们被批准为一种形式, they are considered part of the 50% or more benchmark for requiring approval from WSCUC. 提供一个永久满足这个门槛的项目, 必须通过WSCUC实质性变更程序获得批准.
WSCUC provided clarification regarding the differences between temporary remote instruction, for which WSCUC is providing an attestation process to allow pandemic-driven continuation of remote instruction, 并得到充分授权, ongoing distance education 程序s for which institutions need to go through the regular Substantive Change review process at WSCUC.
Remote instruction is considered a temporary teaching modality that has been adapted to meet the emergency needs of the institution due to the COVID-19 pandemic or a不her unexpected situation. 当远程指令正在发生时, institutions are expected to continue to meet accreditation standards by adopting practices designed to ensure equitable student access and support, 学习目标的达成情况, 以及对教师的教学支持.
了解更多信息, 请联系研究生学习办公室,电话:323-343-3820或联系 卡琳·艾略特·布朗副校长兼院长.
的 专业与全球教育学院(PaGE) is the university’s continuing education, 提供负担得起的自费大学, 实用的终身教育途径, preparing individuals and organizations of diverse backgrounds and interests to serve and succeed in their local and global communities. PaGE及其合作伙伴提供学位, 证书, 以及主校区和洛杉矶市中心校区(DTLA)的非学分课程. A majority of PaGE students are non-traditional adult learners who work full-time but seek to advance their careers through the flexible, PaGE全年提供高质量的教育项目. Distance education (fully online) degree and 证书 程序s are particularly attractive to current and prospective PaGE students and thus, 需求量很大
For faculty considering developing a distance education 程序 through PaGE (beyond those offered on the stateside), 第一步是先咨询你的系主任和学院院长.
- 当考虑通过PaGE开发课程或其他教育产品时, 首先确定你的家庭大学的目标和目的,这样他们就会一致.
- 的 development and scheduling of online courses and other related faculty work must be based on student, 程序, 以及制度需求.
- 尽管有机会在PaGE教授或开发新项目, these must first be discussed with and approved by your department chair and College dean. 教师、PaGE和你的家乡大学之间的协调是必不可少的.
- If your department chair and college dean approve your request to develop a new 程序 with PaGE, 那么你可以联系PaGE的院长, Dr. Harkmore李,电话:(323)343-4907或通过 电子邮件 安排初次会诊.
- For more information about the College of PaGE and its 程序s, please visit the 页面的网站.